31@1@100@Seal of Ascension@170@300@+50% EXP. # #Additional Info: #- Not applicable to a Master Level character (see Master Seal of Ascension). #- Seal of Wealth cannot be used at the same time - it will over-ride this seal. #- 7 Days.@@182@184@0@0@177@1@W Coin (C)@W Coin (C)@181@200@0@1000|@6699@2@1@1000|@0@508@669 31@2@101@Seal of Wealth@170@300@+100% EXP. #Item Drop Rate +150%. # #Additional Info: #- Not applicable to a Master Level character (see Master Seal of Wealth). #- Seal of Ascension cannot be used at the same time - it will over-ride this seal. #- 7 Days.@@182@184@0@0@177@1@W Coin (C)@W Coin (C)@181@200@0@1010|@6700@2@1@1010|@0@508@669 31@3@102@Seal of Healing@170@300@+50% EXP. #Auto HP regeneration +5%. # #Additional Info: #- At Master Level, only the HP recovery will work and not the EXP. #- Seal of Divinity cannot be used at the same time - use will over-ride this seal. #- 7 Days.@@182@184@0@0@177@1@W Coin (C)@W Coin (C)@181@200@0@1020|@6718@2@1@1020|@0@508@669 31@4@103@Seal of Divinity@170@300@Auto Mana Regeneration +5%. #Item Drop Rate +150%. # #Additional Info: #- Seal of Healing cannot be used at the same time - it will over-ride this seal. #- 7 Days.@@182@184@0@0@177@1@W Coin (C)@W Coin (C)@181@200@0@1030|@6719@2@1@1030|@0@508@669 31@5@104@Master Seal of Ascension@170@300@+50% EXP. # #Additional Info: #- Only applicable to Master Level characters (see Seal of Ascension). #- Master Seal of Wealth cannot be used at the same time - it will over-ride this seal. #- 7 Days.@@182@184@0@0@177@1@W Coin (C)@W Coin (C)@181@200@0@1040|@6749@2@1@1040|@0@508@669 31@6@105@Master Seal of Wealth@170@300@+100% EXP. #Item Drop Rate +150%. # #Additional Info: #- Only applicable to Master Level characters (see Seal of Wealth). #- Master Seal of Ascension cannot be used at the same time - it will over-ride this seal. #- 7 Days.@@182@184@0@0@177@1@W Coin (C)@W Coin (C)@181@200@0@1050|@6750@2@1@1050|@0@508@669 31@7@107@Max SD Boost Aura@170@500@Max SD +([Char Level] * 10). # #Additional Info: #- AG Boost Aura cannot be used at the same time - it will over-ride this seal. #- 7 Days.@@182@184@0@0@177@1@W Coin (C)@W Coin (C)@181@200@0@1070|@6761@2@1@1070|@0@508@669 31@8@106@Max AG Boost Aura@170@500@Max AG +[Char Level]. # #Additional info: #- SD Boost Aura cannot be used at the same time - it will over-ride this seal. #- 7 Days.@@182@184@0@0@177@1@W Coin (C)@W Coin (C)@181@200@0@1060|@6760@2@1@1060|@0@508@669 31@9@108@Talisman of Luck@170@500@+5% in Chaos combination. # #Additional Info: #- In-game item. #- Tradable, can be stored in vault.@@182@184@0@0@177@1@W Coin (C)@W Coin (C)@181@200@0@1080|@7221@2@1@1080|@0@508@669 31@10@109@Talisman of Chaos Assembly@170@1000@Prevent the item from disappearing when Chaos combination fails. #Can only be used for upgrading +10 to +15 items. # #Additional Info: #- In-game item. #- Tradable, can be stored in vault.@@182@184@0@0@177@1@W Coin (C)@W Coin (C)@181@200@0@1090|@7264@2@1@1090|@0@508@669 31@11@112@Magic Backpack@170@500@Activates the extended character invetory. # #Additional Info: #- Premium shop item.@@182@184@0@0@177@1@W Coin (C)@W Coin (C)@181@200@0@1120|@7330@2@1@1120|@0@508@669 31@12@113@Vault Expansion Certificate@170@1000@Activates the extended warehouse. # #Additional Info: #- Premium shop item.@@182@184@0@0@177@1@W Coin (C)@W Coin (C)@181@200@0@1130|@7331@2@1@1130|@0@508@669 31@13@110@Summoner Character Card@170@1000@Enables the creation of Summoner character. # #Additional Info: #- Premium shop item.@@182@184@0@0@177@1@W Coin (C)@W Coin (C)@181@200@0@1100|@7259@2@1@1100|@0@508@669 31@14@111@RageFighter Character Card@170@1500@Enables the creation of Rage Fighter character. # #Additional Info: #- Premium shop item.@@182@184@0@0@177@1@W Coin (C)@W Coin (C)@181@200@0@1110|@7337@2@1@1110|@0@508@669 32@1@114@Panda Ring@170@250@Zen increase +50%. #Damage / Wizardry / Curse power +30. #Transform into a panda. # #Additional Info: #- In-game item. #- Equipped in the ring slot. #- +50% EXP bonus when equipped with a premium pet. #- 7 Days.@@182@184@0@0@177@1@W Coin (C)@W Coin (C)@181@200@0@1140|@6732@2@1@1140|@0@508@669 32@2@115@Skeleton Transformation Ring@170@250@Attack / Wizardry / Curse power +40. #Transform into a skeleton. # #Additional Info: #- In-game item. #- Equipped in the ring slot. #+50% EXP bonus when equipped with a premium pet. #- 7 Days.@@182@184@0@0@177@1@W Coin (C)@W Coin (C)@181@200@0@1150|@6778@2@1@1150|@0@508@669 32@3@116@Lethal Wizard's Ring@170@350@Attack (Wizardry) power +15%. #Attack (Wizardry) speed +10. # #Additional Info: #- In-game item. #- Equipped in the ring slot. #- 7 Days.@@182@184@0@0@177@1@W Coin (C)@W Coin (C)@181@200@0@1160|@6763@2@1@1160|@0@508@669 33@1@133@Jewel of Extension@170@100@Repairs Lucky items durability. # #Additional Info: #- In-game item. #- Not tradable, can be stored in vault.@@182@184@0@0@177@1@W Coin (C)@W Coin (C)@181@200@0@1330|@7328@2@1@1330|@0@508@669 33@2@134@Jewel of Elevation@170@150@Adds random Special options to Lucky items. # #Additional Info: #- In-game item. #- Not tradable, can be stored in vault.@@182@184@0@0@177@1@W Coin (C)@W Coin (C)@181@200@0@1340|@7329@2@1@1340|@0@508@669 35@1@119@Demon@170@250@Attack (Wizardry) power +40%. #Attack speed +10. # #Additional Info: #- In-game item. #- Equipped in the pet slot. #- 7 Days.@@182@184@0@0@177@1@W Coin (C)@W Coin (C)@181@200@0@1190|@6720@2@1@1190|@0@508@669 35@2@120@Spirit of Guardian@170@250@Absorb monster damage +30%. #Max HP +50. # #Additional Info: #- In-game item. #- Equipped in the pet slot. #- 7 Days.@@182@184@0@0@177@1@W Coin (C)@W Coin (C)@181@200@0@1200|@6721@2@1@1200|@0@508@669 35@3@121@Pet Panda@170@250@+50% EXP. #Increase defense +50. #Auto collects zen. # #Additional Info: #- In-game item. #- Equipped in the pet slot. #- +50% EXP Bonus when equipped with any premium transformation ring. #- 7 Days.@@182@184@0@0@177@1@W Coin (C)@W Coin (C)@181@200@0@1210|@6736@2@1@1210|@0@508@669 35@4@122@Pet Skeleton@170@250@+30% EXP. #Attack Speed +10. #Auto collects zen. # #Additional Info: #- In-game item. #- Equipped in the pet slot. #- +50% EXP Bonus when equipped with any premium transformation ring. #- 7 Days.@@182@184@0@0@177@1@W Coin (C)@W Coin (C)@181@200@0@1220|@6779@2@1@1220|@0@508@669 35@5@135@Pet Unicorn@170@250@Zen drops increased +50%. #Defense +50. #Auto collects zen. # #Additional Info: #- In-game item. #- Equipped in the pet slot. #- 7 Days.@@182@184@0@0@177@1@W Coin (C)@W Coin (C)@181@200@0@1350|@6762@2@1@1350|@0@508@669 36@1@136@Reset Fruit Strength@170@300@Removes 200 points from the character stat. # #Additional Info: #- In-game item. #- Not tradable, can be stored in vault. #- Right-click the item to use it.@@182@184@0@0@177@1@W Coin (C)@W Coin (C)@181@200@0@1360|@6710@2@1@1360|@0@508@669 36@2@137@Reset Fruit Agility@170@300@Removes 200 points from the character stat. # #Additional Info: #- In-game item. #- Not tradable, can be stored in vault. #- Right-click the item to use it.@@182@184@0@0@177@1@W Coin (C)@W Coin (C)@181@200@0@1370|@6711@2@1@1370|@0@508@669 36@3@138@Reset Fruit Vitality@170@300@Removes 200 points from the character stat. # #Additional Info: #- In-game item. #- Not tradable, can be stored in vault. #- Right-click the item to use it.@@182@184@0@0@177@1@W Coin (C)@W Coin (C)@181@200@0@1380|@6712@2@1@1380|@0@508@669 36@4@139@Reset Fruit Energy@170@300@Removes 200 points from the character stat. # #Additional Info: #- In-game item. #- Not tradable, can be stored in vault. #- Right-click the item to use it.@@182@184@0@0@177@1@W Coin (C)@W Coin (C)@181@200@0@1390|@6713@2@1@1390|@0@508@669 36@5@140@Reset Fruit Command@170@300@Removes 200 points from the character stat. # #Additional Info: #- In-game item. #- Not tradable, can be stored in vault. #- Right-click the item to use it.@@182@184@0@0@177@1@W Coin (C)@W Coin (C)@181@200@0@1400|@6714@2@1@1400|@0@508@669 37@1@123@1st Lucky Armor Ticket@170@500@Exchange this to get random 1st Lucky Ancient item. # #Additional Info: #- In-game item. #- Tradable, can be stored in vault.@@182@184@0@0@177@1@W Coin (C)@W Coin (C)@181@200@0@1230|@6791@2@1@1230|@0@508@669 37@2@124@1st Lucky Pants Ticket@170@500@Exchange this to get random 1st Lucky Ancient item. # #Additional Info: #- In-game item. #- Tradable, can be stored in vault.@@182@184@0@0@177@1@W Coin (C)@W Coin (C)@181@200@0@1240|@6792@2@1@1240|@0@508@669 37@3@125@1st Lucky Helm Ticket@170@500@Exchange this to get random 1st Lucky Ancient item. # #Additional Info: #- In-game item. #- Tradable, can be stored in vault.@@182@184@0@0@177@1@W Coin (C)@W Coin (C)@181@200@0@1250|@6793@2@1@1250|@0@508@669 37@4@126@1st Lucky Gloves Ticket@170@500@Exchange this to get random 1st Lucky Ancient item. # #Additional Info: #- In-game item. #- Tradable, can be stored in vault.@@182@184@0@0@177@1@W Coin (C)@W Coin (C)@181@200@0@1260|@6794@2@1@1260|@0@508@669 37@5@127@1st Lucky Boots Ticket@170@500@Exchange this to get random 1st Lucky Ancient item. # #Additional Info: #- In-game item. #- Tradable, can be stored in vault.@@182@184@0@0@177@1@W Coin (C)@W Coin (C)@181@200@0@1270|@6795@2@1@1270|@0@508@669 37@6@128@2nd Lucky Armor Ticket@170@1000@Exchange this to get random 2nd Lucky Ancient item. # #Additional Info: #- In-game item. #- Tradable, can be stored in vault.@@182@184@0@0@177@1@W Coin (C)@W Coin (C)@181@200@0@1280|@6796@2@1@1280|@0@508@669 37@7@129@2nd Lucky Pants Ticket@170@1000@Exchange this to get random 2nd Lucky Ancient item. # #Additional Info: #- In-game item. #- Tradable, can be stored in vault.@@182@184@0@0@177@1@W Coin (C)@W Coin (C)@181@200@0@1290|@6797@2@1@1290|@0@508@669 37@8@130@2nd Lucky Helm Ticket@170@1000@Exchange this to get random 2nd Lucky Ancient item. # #Additional Info: #- In-game item. #- Tradable, can be stored in vault.@@182@184@0@0@177@1@W Coin (C)@W Coin (C)@181@200@0@1300|@6798@2@1@1300|@0@508@669 37@9@131@2nd Lucky Gloves Ticket@170@1000@Exchange this to get random 2nd Lucky Ancient item. # #Additional Info: #- In-game item. #- Tradable, can be stored in vault.@@182@184@0@0@177@1@W Coin (C)@W Coin (C)@181@200@0@1310|@6799@2@1@1310|@0@508@669 37@10@132@2nd Lucky Boots Ticket@170@1000@Exchange this to get random 2nd Lucky Ancient item. # #Additional Info: #- In-game item. #- Tradable, can be stored in vault.@@182@184@0@0@177@1@W Coin (C)@W Coin (C)@181@200@0@1320|@6800@2@1@1320|@0@508@669 38@1@117@Devil Square Ticket@170@300@Allows entrance into the Devil Square mini-game (any difficulty). # #Additional Info: #- In-game item.@@182@184@0@0@177@1@W Coin (C)@W Coin (C)@181@200@0@1170|@6702@2@1@1170|@0@508@669 38@2@118@Blood Castle Ticket@170@300@Allows entrance into the Blood Castle mini-game (any difficulty). # #Additional Info: #- In-game item.@@182@184@0@0@177@1@W Coin (C)@W Coin (C)@181@200@0@1180|@6703@2@1@1180|@0@508@669 38@3@145@Illusion Temple Ticket@170@300@Allows entrance into the llusion Temple mini-game (any difficulty). # #Additional Info: #- In-game item.@@182@184@0@0@177@1@W Coin (C)@W Coin (C)@181@200@0@1450|@6717@2@1@1450|@0@508@669 61@1@141@Seal of Healing@170@500@+50% EXP. #Auto HP regeneration +5%. # #Additional Info: #- At Master Level, only the HP recovery will work and not the EXP. #- Seal of Divinity cannot be used at the same time - use will over-ride this seal. #- 7 Days.@@182@184@0@0@177@1@Goblin Points@Goblin Points@181@200@0@1410|@6718@5@1@1410|@1@0@669 61@2@142@Master Seal of Ascension@170@500@+50% EXP. # #Additional Info: #- Only applicable to Master Level characters (see Seal of Ascension). #- Master Seal of Wealth cannot be used at the same time - it will over-ride this seal. #- 7 Days.@@182@184@0@0@177@1@Goblin Points@Goblin Points@181@200@0@1420|@6749@5@1@1420|@1@0@669 61@3@146@Master Seal of Wealth@170@500@+100% EXP. #Item Drop Rate +150%. # #Additional Info: #- Only applicable to Master Level characters (see Seal of Wealth). #- Master Seal of Ascension cannot be used at the same time - it will over-ride this seal. #- 7 Days.@@182@184@0@0@177@1@Goblin Points@Goblin Points@181@200@0@1460|@6750@5@1@1460|@1@0@669 64@1@143@Demon@170@75@Attack (Wizardry) power +40%. #Attack speed +10. # #Additional Info: #- In-game item. #- Equipped in the pet slot. #- 1 Day.@@182@184@0@0@177@1@Goblin Points@Goblin Points@181@200@0@1430|@6720@5@1@1430|@1@0@669 64@2@144@Pet Panda@170@75@+50% EXP. #Increase defense +50. #Auto collects zen. # #Additional Info: #- In-game item. #- Equipped in the pet slot. #- +50% EXP Bonus when equipped with any premium transformation ring. #- 1 Day.@@182@184@0@0@177@1@Goblin Points@Goblin Points@181@200@0@1440|@6736@5@1@1440|@1@0@669 65@1@147@1st Lucky Armor Ticket@170@500@Exchange this to get random 1st Lucky Ancient item. # #Additional Info: #- In-game item. #- Tradable, can be stored in vault.@@182@184@0@0@177@1@Goblin Points@Goblin Points@181@200@0@1470|@6791@5@1@1470|@1@0@669 65@2@148@1st Lucky Pants Ticket@170@500@Exchange this to get random 1st Lucky Ancient item. # #Additional Info: #- In-game item. #- Tradable, can be stored in vault.@@182@184@0@0@177@1@Goblin Points@Goblin Points@181@200@0@1480|@6792@5@1@1480|@1@0@669 65@3@149@1st Lucky Helm Ticket@170@500@Exchange this to get random 1st Lucky Ancient item. # #Additional Info: #- In-game item. #- Tradable, can be stored in vault.@@182@184@0@0@177@1@Goblin Points@Goblin Points@181@200@0@1490|@6793@5@1@1490|@1@0@669 65@4@150@1st Lucky Gloves Ticket@170@500@Exchange this to get random 1st Lucky Ancient item. # #Additional Info: #- In-game item. #- Tradable, can be stored in vault.@@182@184@0@0@177@1@Goblin Points@Goblin Points@181@200@0@1500|@6794@5@1@1500|@1@0@669 65@5@151@1st Lucky Boots Ticket@170@500@Exchange this to get random 1st Lucky Ancient item. # #Additional Info: #- In-game item. #- Tradable, can be stored in vault.@@182@184@0@0@177@1@Goblin Points@Goblin Points@181@200@0@1510|@6795@5@1@1510|@1@0@669 66@1@152@Wings of Fairy@170@300@1st Wing+13+L. # #Additional Info: #- In-game item. #- Tradable, can be stored in vault.@@182@184@0@0@177@1@Goblin Points@Goblin Points@181@200@0@1520|@6144@5@1@1520|@1@0@669 66@2@153@Wings of Heaven@170@300@1st Wing+13+L. # #Additional Info: #- In-game item. #- Tradable, can be stored in vault.@@182@184@0@0@177@1@Goblin Points@Goblin Points@181@200@0@1530|@6145@5@1@1530|@1@0@669 66@3@154@Wings of Satan@170@300@1st Wing+13+L. # #Additional Info: #- In-game item. #- Tradable, can be stored in vault.@@182@184@0@0@177@1@Goblin Points@Goblin Points@181@200@0@1540|@6146@5@1@1540|@1@0@669 66@4@155@Wing of Mistery@170@300@1st Wing+13+L. # #Additional Info: #- In-game item. #- Tradable, can be stored in vault.@@182@184@0@0@177@1@Goblin Points@Goblin Points@181@200@0@1550|@6185@5@1@1550|@1@0@669